Wednesday, November 9, 2011

EOC week6; ME X 3

Since i was a young kid i have always supported girl skateboarding gear. Now its not what you think, no its not for girls its for guys you have to understand skateboarding and be into it to understand it. I have always liked there gear and there boards and still to this day like to purchase there stuff. There boards were not like any other company boards there shape and concave just adapted well to my style of skateboarding and there durability was great there boards were strong for my type of skateboarding.

I lllloooovvvvvveeeee McDonald's. Hamburgers have been my favorite since i could remember all i want to eat all the time is hamburgers. McDonald's in my opinion has by far the best hamburgers out there along with the test and size let's just put it this way they beat every one else. I think my craving for burgers came from my mother and fathers cooking because when they would make other food for dinner i wasn't so intrigued by the look never the less the taste but when they would make hamburgers they would start the grill and the smell form the grill was tasty and they would get all the preparations together and the look of everything made my mouth water and the taste was fa- nominal so you can see why my love for hamburgers came about.

I love to spend my time working on building and remodeling mini trucks from the ground up. i love to take beat up old trucks manly from the late 80's to the late 90's type trucks and just take them apart and redo everything on them from the frame to the suspension to the painting and rims and interior. I like going from the old look to the new look and everything in between and saying look what i can do to your average truck and make it something of value that would be three times as less then what your average luxury car would cost but looks way cooler and better plus i like to see people's heads turn when you drive by.

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