Thursday, December 8, 2011

WEEK 10 EOC: Benifits VS. Features

Benefits vs. the features? Well of course the features of the bottle wouldn’t have anything to do with the Benefits of Aqua Terra Vodka even though the bottle is pretty distinctive it’s self-covered in all black with shiny rain drops covering the bottle with red lettering spelling out the bottles brand and a beautiful picture outlining the front of the bottle of the Italian mountains and country side. So let’s get the benefits of Aqua Terra and why it’s different among the hundreds of other vodka brands. Aqua Terra‘s place they call home would be the mountains outside of a small town called Avezzano 45 minutes from Rome. We use new and approved ways to distill our alcohol and get the best of our economy and consumer also Chemists have discovered the scientific principles behind aging, and have devised ways to accelerate aging without introducing harsh flavors. Efficient stills that produce more products per square foot and reduce waste; ingredients such as corn, rice, and potatoes have been called into service as inexpensive replacements for traditional grains and fruit  We also have a few tricks up our sleeve that has been added to the formula of our distinctive Vodka. One of the added ingredients is natural rain water from the mountains of Avezzano cleaned and purified and mixed with the ethanol so that when you’re drinking its fresh not chemicalized from a lake also did you know Independent, sustainable water supplies utilizing rainwater harvesting are the way of the future.  They are safe, easy to maintain and simply smart!  Rainwater is free of chlorine and pollutants commonly found in municipal water grids.  Did you know that a sampling program in the 1990s found 30 different pharmaceuticals and related chemicals in surface water samples (Ternes, 1998) in the U.S.?  These chemicals enter our drinking water supplies when they are flushed down the toilet and they are compounding in our water systems because they never get filtered out! Last but not least and the best part is that we add electrolytes to our formula, chemically; electrolytes are substances that become ions in solution and acquire the capacity to conduct electricity. Electrolytes are present in the human body, and the balance of the electrolytes in our bodies is essential for normal function of our cells and our organs. Because with alcohol comes a bad wrap so with our company we stand for by our products and try to produce clean, great tasting, smooth Vodka, So we try to get the most we can out of both worlds when it comes to our reputation and dedication of producing a Vodka that will be remembered and loved in the eyes of the beholder and left saying a great night for a better tomorrow.